Sewerby Methodist Church

Sewerby Methodist Church


Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.


Headquarters​ - Sewerby Methodist Church, Church Hall, Sewerby Road, Bridlington YO15 1ER

Beavers​​ - Aged from Six to Eight years old. 

Cubs​​ - Aged from Eight to Ten years six months. 

Scouts - Aged from 10 years six months to 14 years

Meetings - ​All our meetings are held on Thursday evenings between 6.00pm. and 7.30pm. during school term time, no meetings are held in the school holidays.

Cost​ - The present cost is £20 per term ie. £60 per year. 

Aims of Scouting -  All our leaders, assistant leaders and helpers are volunteers, giving their time and commitment for free to prepare young people with the Skills for life, through balanced programmes of activities, badges, awards and outside activities, all carried out in accordance with the Scout Association regulations and guidelines. The Group Scout Leader and Group Contact is Ian Garbett 01262 679799.

Religious details - The Group is open sponsored, which means we are Sponsored by Sewerby Methodist Church, but we are open to all Boys and Girls of any faith or belief.