Sewerby Methodist Church

Sewerby Methodist Church


Rainbows, Brownies and Guides.



Rainbows is the Girl Guiding section for girls aged five to seven.

What we do at Rainbows is structured around six themes. In each of them you will be able to choose what things to do and work towards badges, i.e. Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action, Skills for My Future.

Contact: Chris Ball - email:



The Brownies are divided into 4 groups(Sixes) called Elves, Imps, Kelpies and Pixies. They enjoy taking part in various activities including crafts, cooking. singing, games and outings.

Our Brownies make their promise within the first half term of joining  
and then fly up to Guides when they are 10 years old.

What we do at Brownies is all structured around six themes . In each theme you will be able to choose what fun things to do and work towards badges, i.e. Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action, Skills for My Future..

Contact: Michelle Kemp  Email:



6th Bridlington Guides is a company for girls age 10 years to 14+years.

Guiding is about acquiring skills for life, about enabling girls to be ready to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. This is done through various activities outdoors as well as indoors, camping, working together in small groups and having fun. The promise is at the heart of everything we do; it is about belonging to a group, making friends and sharing adventures. The Guide’s activities are structured around six themes as above and each Guide chooses which Themes she would like to work on.  

Contacts: Kirsty Ward Email: